ladysqueal Can you explain these posts?
navyseal1 0
6/13/2012 9:21:48 AM | | 105 reads | Post #31165580
I'm going to try to catch the falling knife. This stock was recommended to me when it was trading at .60 cents! Thank god that I didn't buy then!
I'm thinking .15 is a good buy!
navyseal1 0
2/28/2013 8:54:33 AM | | 49 reads | Post #32246849
If you want to know what brought me here, it was because I unfortunately bumped into the president at the PDAC convention one year ago almost to the day and picked up a bunch of stock at .60. How do you think this makes me feel now!
To be honest, I stopped following this company when it got too depressing to keep looking at the price, so to answer your question, NO, I don't have much hope of them raising capital in this mining market, the way it is.
Do you believe they will?
Firthermore, what makes you think that it will move up to it's trading range of .23, because right now, it appears that the trading range is .16.