Fast Track - Ramp To The High Grade Please check this over and see if any of these facts are in error.
You are looking at 281,000 oz in the high grade. Let's just focus on that.
The work in progress ramp goes directly into hole 677 that is 14.58g/t and is 29.74m long.
Right below this is hole 679 at 13.81g/t and is 20.29m long.
Right below this is hole 682 at 27.20g/t and is 1m long.
Directly above all this around 200m to surface is hole 643 at 41.88 g/t and 1.82m long.
At 6 g/t Claude still manages over $500/oz profit. The high grade here is much better, but lets go with that.
This gives you $140.5 million - $18 million debt = $122.5 million profit. If you just high grade one zone.
The market cap on this stock is only $69.50 million. This is very under valued.
Madsen 1.2 million oz at 9 g/t for free plus 10,000 acres in RED LAKE.
Seabee 1 million oz including the L62 High Grade for free plus the mill and processing facility.
Amisk 1.56 million oz for free
All of this in low geo political risk Canada. Absolutely amazing...