here it is Although I can't say my track record has been stellar, I do believe that we have reached the mother of all buying opportunities with the recent weak commodity news pushing shares under .40. I no doubt have fallen for the old investment trap of falling in love with a stock, but I do believe that this one will have a stellar trajectory: starting in earnest after the Mongolian presidential election and following up with new drilling results. With time, after OT goes on line, the NPV of the future cash flows from HNE will increase, adding more momentum, and then finally, one day . . . production.
Another prediction: The GOM will buy 1/3 of Entree's share in the JV AND in Shivee for around 70 million. A steal for the GOM no doubt, but under the circumstances, if thats the last of the trouble from the GOM, and the project moves more smoothly thereafter, that would be ok. Unfortunately, its the last part (no more trouble) that can be counted on least. However, the cash from commercial production is around the corner, which will hopefully calm everyones nerves.
My feelings regarding the GOM position have changed somewhat with the less abrasive rhetoric that has emerged recently from some quarters. Maybe the not-so-crazies are talking down the crazies within the power elite in Mongolia. One cause is that the Mongolian suppliers in the business council are starting to freak out and pressure the government. Lots of jobs on the line.