RE: RE: 5 YEARS to mine out the high grade gold "The company has projected 2Q 2014 to start this through production. With a fast track, they could cut this by several quarters, (this is my opinion)."
To expand the mill and or to build a new mill in the Santoy area, CRJ will have to utilize the winter ice roads next season to move in the equipment. Hence, there is really no way to fast track mill expansion where Q2 2014 as to Santoy Gap production is both a reality as well as a projection. In addition, the exploration drift needs to be completed as well as that will serve as access to the mineralization.
With Santoy 8 in production via trucking ore to the Seabee Mill, its possible that Santoy Gap ore can be trucked later this year as well. In addition, there is an area of Santoy Gap that is amendable to open pit mining methods but I do not recall the grades off hand with respect to this mineralization.
To close, I'm in agreement as to an expectation of higher grades going forward. L62 and Seabee Deep could very well generate 7+ gpt. The open ended question is how much Santoy 8 ore is mixed in that averages 5.7 gpt. Hence, I think an average of 6 to 7 gpt (ie: 6.5) is a fair guess. Unlike 2012, I do not think we will see 5 or less gpt in 2013 as encountered last year. There was a lot of waste rock to get at the mineralization where CRJ is now at the mineralization. Like in previous posts, we will most likely have to wait to Q2 and Q3 to get a better idea of average grades. With the shaft shut down in Q1, more Santoy 8 ore was processed over this period.