RE: RE: 5 mil I gotta say,,,a group of school kids could have done a better job,,but you are right,,like I said, they have a job that pays big money,,that's what the five million is for...paychecks....the same number of directors as the old inco that sold for, I believe, 42 billion,,,it tells it all. As far as doing anything about it,be at the shareholders meeting , I plan on it,maybe we can get together,and ask some questions, getting answers might be impossible. I suggested they should be buying stock, it's the cheapest its ever buying gasoline at 5 cents a litre,,,wouldn't you buy it. The only reason you wouldn't, is if the money was coming out of the pool used for your salary. The old guy who left the board,,,what's his name now,Thomas Pugsley,could't get a job at Wal-Mart as a greeter.Yet he had the audacity to take money from us for another year. What did he do for the last year ??? He directed us into the poor house !
I say we should close the office in Toronto and move all operations to the mine site, you can see it on Google earth,there is plenty of room for an ATCO trailer in the parking lot, go where the action is.
I need someone to second the motion when I present it at the meeting, can I count on your support ?
Keep what I say in mind,,,,,there are more Vise Presidents at FNI than scoop trams at the mine,absolutely absurd........but that's just my opinion........oh by the way,has anyone "GOOGLED" the new guy Joao Carrelo a pleasant surprise awaits those who take a look.