El President's Preferences It appears that President E would like to divide the OT mining complex into two distinct entities and/or phases.
Phas 1 would be the open pit aea which sre already being mined and having concentrate produced. Bill T used to tell me that the majority of the fold at OT resides in the open pit area, so the dollaar prroceeds could be substanial. The Preident would like Rio to mine the open pit at full capacoty and put the remainder of OT on the bsck burner. Mongoli would then be able to receive34% of the revenues from OT.
After reccovimg a huge chunk of money from the open pit mining, the Pres would give the OK to continuing financing, construction,development and mining of the rest of OT which is mostly underground mining and contains the majority fo the higher quality copper ore.
One problem that immediately comes to mind is that the President;s plans do represent a major chanlge to the original plans and IA for OT. Any comments?