RE: oil and natgas producers are MAD.. I agree . In Northern BC our all in costs for residential natgas are over 15.00 per gigajoule . A gjgajoule is roughly equivalent to 1tcf . They charge 5.00 for the delivered gas and then say they used as much gas to get the gas delivered and charge out the delivery gas at 12.00 per gigajoule . Which I know from experience is an out and out lie .
Another example is Trans Canada pipelines . Last year their tarriff from the Alta border to the Ontario border was raised from 1.75 to 1.95 per tcf . Meanwhile their flowrate is down over 50 % because the Eastern US is now getting gas from shale deposits .
For the oil and gas investor there is no protection from this investment climate , and I`m not for a moment saying there should be . But when TransCanada`s revenues are down due to reduced flowrates they get to increase their prices . The utility boards and gas pipeline companies have a suspiciously cozy arrangement , in my opinion .