CPO-5 Information The June 2011 presentation has some pretty good info for the CPO-5 block. Looks like there were 2 larger 20+mm bbls prospects in the NW area and a few smaller to mid sized ones nearby. Several look-alikes to Yatay.
Also, they have a bunch of Corel style prospects covered by 3D in the South East, some fairly big for Llanos.
They have some leads as well in the North East of the block, where they have only run a couple seismic lines, just south of PXT's Kitaro and Akira discoveries. Odds are more seismic will reveal some more propects up there.
TD called for testing to take 2-4 weeks. I think it will be on the shorter end as the rig is already on site (no mob/demob)and they are likely only waiting on facilites, if anything.