Water and Food Trump Coal Mines CEC understimates the power of the opposition. In addition to the 5089 signatures obtained in opposition to the mine, the local councils of Courtenay, Comox and Cumberrland as well as the Regional District have signed on saying the mine should not proceed without comprehensive aquifer mapping and a joint review panel with public hearings. I am certain that CEC couldn't even get a thousand local signaures in support of this mine. At risk are local drinking water and a sustainable shellfish industry which employs 600 people. The community of Fanny Bay is already suffering because no one wants to live downstream from a coalmine. This is a gorgeous community which is run by volunteers. The mine would destroy the community because if it goes through, people will move away. Along with those citizens would go our volunteer fire department, people who work at the community hall, salmon enhancement, Streamkeepers,Lions Club, the Old Age Pensioner's Hall, Youth and family programs.
All over the world, people are having problems with obtaining fresh water. It makes no sense polluting the small amount of water we have left. Of all the water in the world, 97.2% is ocean, 2.15% is ice, 0.65% is fresh water, and of that 0.65%, only 2.5% is potable. That is why we fight to protect our water. With 127,500m3 of methane gas being produced by Raven per day, it is not improbable to think that coalbed methane extraction would also be on the horizon if this mine went through. This would surely mean game over for the community watershed. Water will one day be the most precious resource we have. Some of us know that already, but many have not realized it yet.