relevant See what else of interest I came across --
Can we please start an intelligent discussion here about the following important subject?
Unfortunately industry and the public has not had a strong non partisan advocate and as a result now there is desparate need for a class action constitiutional challenge to stop your government from giving away your right to access Crown land over matters long ago settled.
It is just plain wrong for Ontario to force Industry and the public to resolve the political demands of hostile third party govenrments who are compeditors averse in interest to industry the public and the Crown..
The aboriginal leadership agree that it is the Crowns duty to consult but the indians generally are very happy to put both the crown and industry to tax.
Any issue with respect to section 35 of the Constition is a matter between the Crown and the Indians. It is not for individual subjects of the Crown or its industy to resolve historical claims on the Crown.
Why should the public or industry be forced to finance endless litigation over an issue properly between Ontario, Canada, the Monarchy and the indians. If such is the wish of the majority of Canadians to serve a new master, I am out.
If you are forced to do the Crowns work why do you need the Crown.
Lets talk about this then bring this discussion to others who might have the capacity to champion the cause for all of us little people.