RE: CUz, ARE YOU RE TARDED? Banx you shootin blanks. Unless somebody stated clearly that a deliberate attempt was made to issue shares where there was never any value or the oppurtunity to cteate value there is no defamation. Furthermore in my opinion given how much value INT has destroyed on paper it is my opinion as a former shareholder that INT management have about as much desire to appear in court as a vampire has to get a sunburn as I have stated before. Furthermore I have seen posts appear made by Cousinwoolie that I didnt make in more than one instance. If you think you can frighten away the skeptics and cash will pour in thats a poor bet. All INT ever had to do was announce business results that met the optimism reflected in the share price but so far they came up empty. If you think this is a good business investment keep buying more. I know i dont