COLD BEER TONIGHT Finally the Alberta cold snap breaks and as I look at my account, I also look at the clock on the wall. Think I`ll cut out early today, grab me a six pack and hit the yard for some rays as I contemplate the direction of my investment dollars that are tied up in GER. Like the naysayers just last week were asking "What news could possibly come next for GER" ? I too wonder.....I`m not sure but with over 12 NR`s in the last year I highly doubt the news flow is about to dry up anytime soon. With Dundee initiating coverage on DAN with a 1 year target of $1.90 and CLQ racing towards being a producer....GER looks more and more like such an obvious no-brainer. Cheers to the longs, charts looks good, sectors look good, management looks good...and so does my trading account ! SS