RE: Warrant Emphasis It seems to me that you are trying to make yourself feel better. The fact of the matter is that not too many TSX-V companies will not go into bankruptcy if they are not managed well. Peterson is not paying a premium for a company that is going into bankruptcy and can't be turned around. As you say, they are likely going to flip this for a profit. The question for you as a shareholder is why do you accept the fate that somebody will take this company from you at a discount instead of fighting for management to fight for shareholders, something that they are paid to do? As you say, for the good of the company, it's employees and customers, it is best that the deal gets done. The only thing that you are forgetting in this equation is that the shareholders are the owners. It is like saying that for a good of a family that has a dozen family members (more than you), you should sell them your house for a deep discount. Gilligan will be whistling dixie if this deal gets done. If he cared about what the concerned shareholders think about the valuation, he would not have rushed to lock into this deal so quickly without working harder to market the company to others. I have not seen in any press releases any indication of any effort that they marketed this company around to get the biggest buck. I saw them locking into a definitive agreement before they even just for optics waited to get a fairness opinion. Based on all your DD and initial investment, did you ever think that this company's worth if just north of $5 million? You can try, but there's no way you should feel good about how this is all going down.