Cañaris in Perú
Thirty million Peruvians, 95 percent want the development of Peru, 0.01% are radicals and the rest 4.99% are ultra environmentalists socialitas communists. In Cañaris 75 percent want the development, 20% is victims of threats from anti-mining and 5% are radicals.
In this link are data on the population of Canaris. Just over 13,000 villagers from over 8,000 of them are older and can vote.
In this link are data on the population of Cañaris.
There are three areas in Cañaris.
The upper area which is fully in favor of investment.
The intermediate zone (San Juan de Canaris) which is the conflict zone (less than 400 villagers against the investment), Barrios was the leader there and yesterday made ??an illegal election with an electoral committee led by Barrios himself and two only candidates both radicals, in this area there are many community members who are in favor of the investment but are victims of threats from anti-mining.
The lower zone (Tupac Amaru II Cañaris) that is fully in favor of investment.