RE: RE: Just So I Have this Correct Thanks for this explanation Yasch,
"Yes, the main thing is that BB is adding Z10 retail customers to their list of subscribers, even though none of these customers right now are paying subscription fees."
even though you gave us the Brian Bidulka way of explaining things.(smile)
Also several BB management staff, referrred to the company, this year, as
being 80 million subscribers' base strong. So hopefully BB 's S/base is above 80m.
In F2012 RIM sell through was over 13M per Quarter. In F2013 RIM sell through
so far, was over 10M per Quarter, except for Q3 2013, it was 8.4M.
According to Gus, Scotia Analyst, the Carriers' inventories are bone dry.
So I believe in Q4 F2013, BB had to ship more BB7 phones to match at least the
sell through sales, therefore the shipment will be about 7.5m phones of BB7 and
as BB warned already not to expect a blowout Z10 sales, i am looking at a shipment
of 1.5M Z10 phones.
Of course, the blowout Quarter will come in Q1 F2014.
BB cash position should be about $2.5B. Last report BB has $2.9B in cash.
BB might spend about $600M for launching and promotional costs, but they will
take in some cash from Operations, might also cut down or wipe out their
Quarterly payments on their patents' agreement. They also have to pay about $60M
remaining on restructuring costs.
Just doing some guess work while awaiting the big day, tomorrow.
Good luck !