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Tricon Residential Inc T.TCN

Tricon Residential Inc. is an owner, operator, and developer of a portfolio of approximately 38,000 single-family rental homes in the United States Sun Belt and multi-family apartments in Canada. The Company provides rental housing options for families across the United States and Canada through its technology-enabled operating platform and on-the-ground operating teams. The Company's segments include Single-Family Rental, Adjacent Businesses, and Strategic Capital. The Single-Family Rental business includes owning and operating single-family rental homes primarily within major cities in the United States Sun Belt. Its Adjacent Businesses include multi-family rental and residential development. Its multi-family rental business segment includes one Class A high-rise property in downtown Toronto known as The Selby. Through its Strategic Capital business, the Company provides asset management, property management and development management services.

TSX:TCN - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by bseaon Mar 27, 2013 12:06pm
Post# 21174937

strange as the rest ofv canadian mkts

strange as the rest ofv canadian mkts

the quarter was great the ebita good and yet this is down . y ask the main investors banks

Bullboard Posts