In times of stress.. Investors look to people in authority. Make sure those people are not bias. Do your due diligence. Don't be blinded by what may come. Look at the whole picture. Remember many investors thought Nortel was going back up? Not that SA will not go back up. The pressure from 600-700 TSXV companies being delisted and or going out of business is a very serious bit of information. If you think SA will not be affected by this you need your head shaken. The reason JP was being different to some of you is because he most likely doesn't know where this will end up. Investment dollars could dry up completely and if you do not have assets making cash for you you will be dead in the water. SA could drill and find more gold with good numbers, but if the only investments investors will look at are majors then the SA's and companies like them will have to hold onto their cash to survive the fall. I think SA looking for a new story is the wrong move, but that is my opinion. If the Indonesia investment is coming to a dead end then I could understand making a deal. Sometimes doing what the crowd is doing isn't always the right thing to do. Do your own due diligence. And don't hide on the Mountaineer board. Get out and get a breath of fresh air once in a while. Cheers.