RE: Uranium stocks Toriddog/Iouranium.
Do yourself a favour and check the link I have posted. Then You will notice that.: LFTR's is a very well understod technic, are close to pilot production, the price of a powerplant could be as low as 1/10 of a U-powerplant. U308 and Thorium both produce energy the same way, so why not use the more abundant, cheaper to mine, and less radioactive material.?.
And reactorwise, the Thorium reactor is MUCH safer to use, as there is absolutly no risk of melt-down or high-pressure radiactive explotions.
Yes, U-based powerplants will be here for a while, but as these do produce vast amounds of radiactive waist, they will be decommisioned as soon as they have been written off, or a new,cheap,safe, higt effecient alternative is more economical to use. IMO that will be in the timeframe 20 - 50 years from now.
Sorry, I know this is not the right forum to discuss these things, but Uranium will "soon" be a thing of the past.!.