RE: Why Trading stopped I've just read the trading deal of lfd and the Space Video company. According the the reverse merger, lfd worths 24 million and the other company worths 64 millions. Combined comapany will issue 47 million shares, that translates to lfd have 12.2 million shares and Earthvideo 34.8 million shares. The new company will be worth about $1.9/ share. please correct me if I am wrong. Not only that existing lfd shareholders have tosuffer a reverse split of 15 to one. Based on my experience, the reverse split side always at a loss. After the selling
of LFD last year to Genel, the equity of LFD worths more thatn 24 milions. At that time it was worth about 23 cents a share, and now worths only 13 cents/share. 24 million / 182 million shares outstanding = 13.1 cents.
Why LFD entered this deal is beyond my imagination. From a n oil exploring company to a space video company. Now we have Google Map and Google Earth. Can we complete and has some thing different from Google? i don't know. Anybody knows? What is the application of the materials produced by this new company? I am skeptical and not sure ? It could be a trap in the hole or could it be a gold mine? Comments
from all shareholders will be appreciated.