RE: RE: RE: RE: Good CEO’s make decisions, bad CEO Jeez you guys need to tone it down a bit.
SNV has to wait for Fed approval, this country went through a regime change and constant civil war. In 2011 the Salah ad Din Province declared itself autonomous to escape the controlling arms of the Fed but didn't achieve much as they sit in the middle of Iraq and the Fed still has authority. If SNV were to disobey FED orders and start drilling in the province I can see the Fed seizing any progress SNV makes. This is a country with lots of religious persecution (Kurds vs Sunnis) and when money (oil revenues are involved) there is a lot at stake. Plus they don't have all of the established laws, regulatory agencies, or lobbyists to fast track this. We are at the mercy of the Fed's timeline.
Comparing it to some Joe Blow wanting to enter Iraq to convert Christains vs oil drilling is just plain stupid.
I want to make money just like anyone else, but we have many hurdles that are out of the control of management. This is a lottery pick stock, HIGH RISK for a reason.