this closed pipeline may be an issue i understand that this pipeline that is closed for repair may influence the price of crude coming out of Canada- because there is a clut of oil in canada with know where to go - is leaning on the price! Regardless that this stock continues to lose value everyday~ I thought it was a real bargain @ 3.55 under 2 weeks ago. -- bought more today @ 3.08!
I did talk to management - mention corporate buyback, management buyback and listing in the USA. If they would list in the USA there would be greater exposure via dog and pony shows, institutional involvement.
The person i spoke to believed that this lawsuit will yield little grief for the company if they lose.
They believe that they are being punished because of missed numbers and that may be the reason, but it sure does not help when fidelity sells 7 million shares- I believe that Fidelity is the real reason for the major downside- that is alot of stock that has to be gobbled up.
the oils in general in Canada and even the US are all in the doghouse.
look @ mql.v- 1.98 nav and the stock is .56
ina.v is a exception because their ccude and gas is in the North Sea! So one has to believe that the lack of movement of crude in Canada has cause many oil and gas companies to faulter because they get less and if the get less they have less and if they have less they drill less and if they drill less the stock go down for the time being-- If that Moron Obama would allow the Keystone to happen- it would give a boost to the Oils.
Regardless - there is a bottom for surge energy and we have to be getting close- i doubt that is will retest the 2.70 , but it could and the refilling would be complete.
patience is the key
other dead oils in the USA a darling kog and nog
while hes is on fire!
sdcjf--moving higher because of the Eagleford play with 141 million in cash