Feb. 28, 2013 Financial Statement As usual, a picture of your nose and pictures of cars over and over again adds nothing, worthless posts as usual, you add nothing of value. (see i can say that to you too lol, you get what you spew out)
"sub $100 000 bank acccount" while their gold inventories increased to $4M last quarter.
You have access to their bank accounts? Or are you making fictitious numbers up again for Fear Mongering?
If you really want numbers, according to their last quarter Dec financial report released not long ago Feb. 28, 2013 on Sedar.com:
Cash at end of quarter was $3.35M
Their operating loss was only -144k (down from their previous Oct. quarter). Earnings per share loss was a measly $0.0006. "Cash flow used by operating activities" was -$1.57M but that included -$839k for noncash "Unrealized gain on derivative financial instruments", the debenture. So cash flow used by operating activities was more like $0.73M.
Cash flows used by investing activities was -$0.92M
Gold sales increased to $4.78M from $3.2M
Gold inventory increased to $4.04
Their biggest expense of "Additions to exploration and evaluation assets" dropped to $6.29M from $8.83M
They increased production at the same time as decreasing expenses.
Overall, the Dec quarter was much better than the Oct. quarter. This is on a pre-production quarter.
In comparison, the March quarter has record production so the coming quarter should be much better.
So BasherT, use your grade 2 math:
$3.35M cash
+ $4.04 gold inventory
- $0.73M operating actvities (-$0.92M if you subtract investing activities)
+ Record production for March quarter
How does that add up to your massive $10+ million imminent funding you have been predicting for so long?