Did you know that one in three cancers is skin cancer? That may be scary stuff, but it’s good to know
that when skin cancer is detected early, survival rates are up to 99%!
We are therefore incredibly pleased to announce that we are bringing in “THE BIG GUNS” to add
to our arsenal of preventative measures. Currently we have Fotofinder Molemapping, mole removals
and a slew of amazing sunscreens. We now can proudly introduce Verisante Aura. If the name sounds
mysterious and powerful to you, we’re glad; because it should. The Verisante Aura Scan is a painless,
non-invasive laser that uses state-of-the art technology to analyze suspicious moles and lesions in the
detection of skin cancer (Actinic Keratosis, Basal cell carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma and Melanoma).
With 99% accuracy, this system provides valuable information by identifying spectral changes associated
with the biochemistry of skin cancer cells in less time than it takes you to say “MOLES!” Scans of multiple
spots can be accomplished quickly and accurately with immediate results. We do need to stress however,
that the Aura will not be used to make a definitive diagnosis of skin cancer or to replace the expert opinion
of dermatologist Dr. Sheetal Sapra. But there is definitely something to be said about no cutting and no scar!
This is the technology of the future, which is why there is a ton of media coverage on this life changing
technology. CNN, FOX News, The Financial Post and even Dr. Sapra was interviewed by the
Melanoma Network.
In a typical procedure, the hand-held probe is held above a mole or lesion. The infrared laser light from
the probe’s tip is then used to illuminate the skin. Light from the probe is scattered, measuring subtle
vibrational shifts in the skin molecules. Since cancerous molecules vibrate differently than healthy tissue,
the scan results will identify the mole/lesion as either a weaker similarity or stronger similarity to that
of a malignant lesion.
We are thrilled to be able to be the first clinic in Ontario to have the technology and to be among only
3 practices in Canada offering this service to patients. To be able to detect skin cancer with a 99% accuracy
rate and without cutting, scarring or the need for biopsy has us feeling pretty good!
Tags: mole mapping, moles, skin cancer, Verisante Aura Scan