RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: buying more another thing is capx in 2012 was 307M to increase production quickly. 14,880 to 17,439.
I noticed cash flow from operations only increased from 189M to 222M.
2013 starting debt is 485M.
21,500 2013 exit prodution. cash + shares 184M + 310M capx = 494M spent in 2013
i dont see cash flow forecast for 2013 exit. maybe a figure of 282M from operations.
looks like leg could have a 2Q result debt of around 900M - cash flow at the time and interest on debt costs a figure around 700M - 750M.
also the production gains from villinova and enerplus assets wont be on the books until 2Q - 3Q but the debt will at closing.
im also unclear of how the nav is only at $9.83 with the cash flow, how quickly are they burning up the assets.