RE: GLOBE ON RIM! How can the Governments and Regulators allow these Banksters and Hedge Funds with their Analysts
and Media to change Investments into gambling?
Imagine one Analyst has BB just worth $5.07 which is less than their cash... a company
with no debt or goodwill. These Analysts have to offer no proof as to why, only what they believe.
Remember, Sameet Kanade said RIM was only worth $4.50 because he believe the company
will burn out all their cash and go out of business and the holy "Market" listened and RIM
was taken down from over $20.00 to about $6.00. We seen RIM added cash instead.
We know this Market is being controlled by the Big Players moving the s/p up and down at will
with their big cash and HFT machines and slaughtering the small investors and nothing
is being done to regulate these crooks.