RE: fails under $22 - over and over and .... Wow just cracked the stock market!
It was right before everyone's eyes, who would have ever seen it! Its beautiful in its simplicity. All anyone has to do to beat the market is to look at what it has done in the past and then time the entry and exit points because this up and down market can be predicted to continue indefinitely. It is just like a sinusoidal function and will continue in this pattern indefinitely. You should set up a hedge fund, you could easily charge 5% for an MER with this level of brilliance. This level of analysis just reeks of Harvard economics school of thought, you a Harvard man investor?
Thanks for the insight, from now on, I am going to analyze past movements in stock prices and then assume these patterns will accurately predict the future. Keep this secret to yourself though, because as soon as everyone starts copying you, there will be hedge funds popping up everywhere that will be employing your strategy.