RE: Manipulation! No Way... Gold is absolutely being manipulated there is no question about it, in fact there is uncontested proof that this is being done, also many gold stocks are also being manipulated to indicate a sell off - trigger computer sales - shake the weak hands - etc... . NGD today is worth over $20.00/share thus it is being 'passively' manipulated - institution selling by design - naked shorts like TD waterhouse - etc... . Gold... the US has no gold reserve and has sold or leased all of the off shore gold it was suppose to keep for others .. including the gold from Texas, over a billion dollars worth and Texas has demanded that it be returned to Texas soil .. sorry Texas it is gone ... sorry other countries yours too is gone .. we stole it.
Manipulation ... absolutely, is paper gold real .. NO it is fake and does not exist as real gold.
Do your own DD the information is all there for everyone to see.