RE: GRAPHITE LMAO Saludo. That was a hopeless attempt to spin some poor fiction. Ask for a mulligan.
Sri Lankan vein is the most expensive natural graphite. Last quote I have is $6000 per ton and that's for 97% purity with some sulphides in it. sulphides are an unwanted pollutant. So far ZEN's vein/hydrothermal has reached a purity of 99.96% with no sulphides in the ore.
You can only stuff so many Sri Lankan laborers 600m down into those small mines where they have to chip away at veins measured in centimeters. So that's why there is not more of it produced.
Synthetic graphite was invented because of the shortage of global supply of vein graphite from Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan product is far more expensive for a reason
What you need to research is the electrical and thermal advantages of vein/hydrothermal over flake. Then you'll understand why the flake producers will lose 66% or more of their volume when they attempt to make a product that could become a poor cousin to ZEN's product. Then add in the much larger costs of flake producers to reach high purity.
Off you go lad.