Variety of revenue Models for ORTSBO Dependant upon the useage, we'll garner revenue from license sales ( call centers / gaming / movies), single instance revenue for events, the $$ garnered from US TV Mandatory captioning ( pure guess it's coming )
vs YAPPN combined with ORTSBO for a / user social media valuation ( advertising CPM , YAPPN users buying ORSBO for their user profiles )
Language, it's everywhere.. The globe could be OTSBO / Lexiphones oyster...All about implementation, marketing.
They've built it..Will they (globe) come?
I suspect if DL does have success, he'll get an offer he can't refuse and sell..before things get outta hand. Nature..Big fish eat little fish..
I've have a very healthy posn..and hope A) DL succeeds, B) If A happens then the buyout offer if/when it comes at something other than a manipulative stink bid hostile offer
Go Airborne. Remember the fallen