Escrow Agreements in ChileJorge is a liar today claiming he has clean title. Jorge will be accountable for every option dollar (including the $2.5 Million from Brent) and every visit and every investment done on the Mina Pascua claims since he got directly involved.
The question is: When did Jorge obtain ANY WRITTEN TITLE ON THE MINING CLAIMS? If it was after February 5, 2010, then MSX and Jorge will be arrested in Canadian for Securities Fraud based on INSIDER STOCK purchases. Jorge can’t deliver this proof.
This will be the question asked on September 5, 2012 at the Chilean Court hearing.
Escrow is done in Chile, like in the US and Canada. Thus, Jorge is a LIAR. Dr. H. Clyde Davis Phd issued Jorge 45,000 shares of Kanco Energy, Inc. stock in 2003 as “consideration” for the Mina Pascua signed contract. If Jorge could not deliver TITLE, the Kanco stock certificates would be cancelled. That is the LAW in Chile, US and Canada and elsewhere. The following SEC filing is a good example for the required ESCROW AGREEMENT: