Anticipation It's fun to watch as we on this board speculate when the share price will return our investment/patience/glta longs.
Way back it was "it'll boom (the train's leaving the station)" when we receive CSA.
Then came "don't miss this one" when they announced third party dealers.
Then came "It's just a matter of time" when SPIE and Edison Awards where announced.
Then came "Now she's gunna blow" when they announced the first small sales/placements
Then came "better get in now" just before the private placement was due April 15th.
Now it's "can't get these any cheaper, better get in before May xx."
Jeez...we should work for Samsung and promise the next release of Android's Jelly Bean OS. We're just as accurate.......
I'm not complaining nor am I selling, either (yet). But I like to watch the ebb and tide of excitement.