Next couple of years So immediately our production more than doubles to the 14-16kboe/d range. Even at a paltry $100 brent, that's some SERIOUS cash flow assuming $60-$70/boe. By the end of this year, or more accurately q1-q2 2014, debt will increase due to capex on GSA, but CF will be moving very high - and should pay off both the acquisition and the capex by the end of 2014 (now only 20 months away). Further GSA development and more CF leading to 2015 and wads of cash coming in. What to do with all the wealth? Dividend (my favourite)? More acquisitions? Just build a huge pile of cash and invite shareholders to come play in it?
Of course, there is a risk side to all this. We've had pretty good oil pricing since the downturn of '08, and we need to be wary of being too exhuberant. With the debt adding up, IAE is becoming much more sensitive to the price of oil. That said, as long as Brent doesn't drop below $60 for an extended period (a couple years?) I expect there shouldn't be any challenge to the long term viability of the company - even at $80, I think CF will be North of $400 million in '14.