daytraders wow from pdg daytrading, we move up a notch to ar daytrading, hope we still own that little hotel portee on agoracom was telling me about, for all pdg and ar stockholders ya get a free flight in 4 times a year, for a week each timeand your own personal massue, ya get to pic german, itialian, good old sexy canadian,and your four pic is a surprice, you should be up for this agoracom portee, the man who called a spade a spade, cause your hit maher and them tooooo many opioneerss right on the nose , why did we need them wen were were being secretly traded offf into the land of love and peace mexico, lmao, oh brian i bet yer were teaching chorby not the othe way around,, now im goin to have a drink to the 2 best commonshareholders around, lmao