RE: Guess at the End Game Plov.....for a change you are making sense....and I agree with your assessment as a possible scenario....
I think that there still is significant value in Oncocidin and Sin Susto for humans so the $5 SP isn't totally off the radar, but if you sell Urocidin now, it may well be off for a few years....
Strategic planning has never been a strong point of our crack mgmt team, and it appears that others have been watching and have noticed too......why on earth you sit on a side-effect free calming agent that could open up a billion dollar human market is beyond me......why on earth you do not move forward with a NOC/c submission in Europe along side Canada is beyond me.....I would hope that more seasoned leadership would rectify these problems quickly.....
Time is ticking Mr. had better move quickly.....well heeled and sector intelligent execs are watching......and your job is literally on the line.....