RE: Drilling may well be delayed until fall.... From my read of the news article some are for the exploration and some are against. Some of the 'what if' comments remind me of driving a vehicle in a foreign country and being involved in an accident and being imprisoned, for the same reason - if you weren't there it wouldn't have happened despite who is at fault. Some may as well just stay in bed, but even then the sheets have to be washed and that probably wrecks the environment. Wondering how the groceries, housing materials, heating fuel or electricity arrives into Stephenville without some possible personal or environmental risk? Risks are reduced by proper planning and preventive measures, and I am not sure what might please everyone in Newfoundland: Sending their young family members elsewhere to work such as out West, the middle east or offshore in Hibernia to earn a living. Last time I checked staying around Stephenville with the sheets pulled over your heads and saying 'woe is me as I exist here without personal risk or reward'. It would be interesting to know how they pave their roads or how much sand and salt is used to maintain winter traction, and whether there is much complaining about salt water or hydrocarbon contamination, and what is done to protect the water wells in the region.