The annoucement of 4.3 million oz PEA was real. What you are struggling to conceptualize is the concept "Statisical Confidence". Simply put, the great the number of drill cores that repeat the same drill results in a given area, the greater the degree of "Statistical Confidence" you have in your data. Catagories of "Indicated" "Measured" and "Inferred" attempt to classify the the "Statistical Confidence" of data obtained from drilling.
IMHO here is what happened after the results of the initial drilling were compiled. Experts in the field of geology (P.Geo) reviewed the results, analysed the geology of the drill cores as well as the geology of the surrounding area and reviewed historical drilling logs of the area drilled. Once done, Mr Aubertin was hired. The importance of hiring this person cannot be overstated. This is the same gentleman who planned and supervised the drilling program that resulted in the 15,000,0000 oz. Detour Lake deposit. The geology of Detour Lake and the Moneta are similiar! He no doubt concluded that the distribution of the gold in the Moneta claim, would be similiar to that of Detour Lake.
Getting back to the notion of "Inferred", "Indicated" and "Measured" resources, it is no state secret how resources can be moved from one catagory to the next. All that is required is more drilling to the same area, andfurther replication of the previous results i.e. increase the number of "Samples" available for analysys.. The more time you can replicate your results in the same area, the more "Robust" your data becomes.
Savy investors understand the above mentioned concepts. These people also understood the tremendous economic potential of the project as well as the skill set of Mr. Peres and Mr. Aubertin to plan and execute the project. In the backdrop of a brutal environment to raise capitol, Moneta was able to raise $10,000,000.00 to finance a 50,000 meter drilling program. The aim of the project is to expand the size of the find (Quantity) and quality (Movement of resouce from "Inferred" to "Indicated and "Indicated" to "Measured").
I have no special knowledge as to what the results are for the most recent round of drilling will be. However if I were to be a "Betting Man", they should not dissappoint.
Best of luck