I Agree With Fawcett and Gang After carefully studying all the "facts" presented by Leaky Fawcett and gang....I must agree with them. Production of the Z10 HAS been cut by 4 - 6 million phones.....confirmed. What they didn't tell you was the base number did they? Production has been limited to 40 million from 46 million............oh yes, let's save them some time.........definitely no line ups for the Q10. Fawcett doesn't understand this is the computer age and folks order the Q10 right from their BB Bold on-line...........oh and of course the apps. BB10 only has 100,000++ apps. That's because the other 600,000 on Android et al are security risks........and then there are the channel checks....couldn't agree more with Fawcett.....I checked the same channels and found no BB10 sales whatsoever....channel 16 =CNN....channel 818 = BNN....channel 102 = CNBC.....channel 704 = CITY...this Leaky Fawcett is a joke.