RE: websiteThe point I was trying to make was that it did not look like a lot of thought had gone into the site.I am not looking for flashy graphics that waste my time and purple and orange are cool but what I have got on my screen looks alot like the work I get submitted by students in junior high.
No big deal. But you do not throw a 100 dollar paint job on a 100,000 dollar car and thats the impression I get.This is a low budget paint job.Why ? Am I off base? First impressions count for alot the average house sells in the first 15 seconds of viewing.I do not like the curb appeal. But whats the inside of the CPT house like ?
What I want is a professional take on the guts of this thing and whats it going to take to bring on market interest.My expertise does not lie along these lines but other posters do have knowledge and a perspective worth considering.Hence my cry for CC and company.
IMHO and all that stuff . :-)