RE: RE: Abacus Mining & Exploration I agree with your NDP comment, which will cause all mining and pipelines projects to jump throw a hundred costly hoopsn to make any headway. Investing in any mining project in BC when the NDP is in power or inevitable is a huge mistake IMO. Canada is loosing about 20 billion a year because we can not get world prices for Alberta's oil and have to depend on the States to buy it from us. The NDP can still justify cancelling the pipeline however. I was living in BC during the NDP reign of the 90's, and I can't believe people have so short memories or are too lazy to reaserch a little resent history. I was on Goldbuyers side at first, but it is starting to look like the NDP is going to put the Great Wall of China infront of development projects. The odds for AME have gotten worst than the odds of Vancouver winning the Stanley Cup.