RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: 2000-4000 ton forwardflash
There are quite a few things that I would disgree with your replies, but I would not wish to provide a rebuttal, point by point.
One thing I want to make sure is that your general impression based on general information should not be used or imply that they would apply to NGC and would impact it in the negative way, unless of course if they are scientific facts as directly applicatble to NGC product, process, etc...
You mis-understood the purpose of NGC strategy on upgrading their concontrates coming out of the processing facility at Bissett Creek as described in their BFS. The quality and purity of the concentrate (run of the mill) is very good for NGC compared to others, and if you read Mackie bullet 3, mentioned in my previous post, you will see that the upgraded product is over 99.9% Cg which is excellent for high-grade battery applications. Now, the feasibility study for upgrading the run of the mill concentrate is a potential development in a parallel path, so that NGC would have options to sell either or both products, the run of the mill concentrates and the more pricey upgraded products, as the market demand would dictates. This is a very wise and flexibility strategy and would be developed in two parallel paths. The game plan as described in the BFS does not have to wait for the upgrader study to be completed. It would be expected the concentrates would be the first to be sold, and a portion of the concentrate will be upgraded will follow to produce batery grade graphite, in stages depending on the market demand.
You will find that CEO Bowes and President Baxter are quite accessible and will provide you with the details for you to verify the information in my post. Pose your questions to them either by phone or e-mail. They are quite responsive.
Good luck with your search for the best graphite company keeping in mind that this is NGC board. There are other graphite boards around for you to do your DD.