Where Are We With 43-101?...dkolkish You ask a good question dkolish, "where are we with 43-101?"
Well, according to Callaghan we were supposed to be trading last week. Now, how he could even make such a statement publicly I have no idea, but he has said quite a few things in the past, and where have they ended up?
So, what's happening with this "BIG" Report? That is how IR described it to mailmancp prior to the AGM, and why not mention numbers prior to the AGM vote?
Was it due to not be allowed by the regulators or was it strategy?
The report has apparently been completed at least in Draft form, so the report does have a number attached. We as shareholders should be told what the number is, because it is material IMO.
The number will not effect anything at this moment, yet they "CHOOSE" not to release it. Good thing Rex Harbour still owns 7 million shares and has the money to make a difference, if it's not too little too late. JMO