Mina Pascua = A paper asset for MSX imho It was wise Brent Johnson/MSX signed a Joint Venture with Kanco SHs back in March, 2010. The mining operations/potentials which MSX has in Montana, Alaska and the new Chilean Iron Ore project recently assigned to MSX by Raul, father to Jorge Cortes (conveyor belt system destroyed through vandalism in 2012) will be in production years before the Mina Pascua property pours it's first bar of gold.
AFTER $1.8 Billion is escrowed with Jorge, how many years will this mine remain a PAPER ASSET on the books of MSX? How many years has the Pascua-Lama been a PAPER ASSET on their books?
I had a mining operation on the LADD Mountain removing100 ton of VEIL ORE to the Kelly Mill-site in the early 1980s. This vein system I exposed through a drilling operation I paid for in 1983 created the 1988 open-pit operation of Bond International Gold (NYSE, 1988 underwriting, Cayman Island company). Please enjoy the historical record of what Fitzgerald did against 1,000s of Kanco Stockholders.
The ABX Bullfrog Mine, Nye County, Nevada, which is 1/100th the size of Mina Pascua, poured it's first gold bar in July, 1989 and was completely mined out (open pit and underground) by 1998, nine years after the first bar was poured. The ABX Bulfrog and El Indio gold mines were the key source of income until the ABX Goldstrike (Fitzgerald/Ranspot theft) got into operation. Please enjoy to history of the Fitzgerad Tucson connection on the Bullfrog Mine (through his BYU attorney Roger Jeppson, who sued ABX Goldstrike in 1989 for Ranspot/Fitzgerald).
Mining in and around Rhyolite after 1920 consisted mainly of working old tailings until a new mine opened in 1988 on the south side of Ladd Mountain. A company known as Bond Gold built an open-pit mine and mill at the site, LAC Minerals acquired the mine from Bond in 1989 and established an underground mine there in 1991 after a new body of ore called the North Extension was discovered. Barrick Gold acquired LAC Minerals in 1994 and continued to extract and process ore at what became known as the Barrick Bullfrog Mine until the end of 1998