AGM changes - May 27 - fishy? On May 1st US silver posted an amended notice of meeting and record date (go to SEDAR to read it), two things that I notcied :
1) They are changing the meeting date from May 28 to May 27
2) Point 10, "Reporting issuer is sending proxy-related materials directly to Non-Objecting Beneficial Owners", they are changing it from YES to NO. Can somebody please explain what this means, and why they are doing it? From my understanding it means they are not sending the proxy letter to my house, so how I vote now?
I also find it a little bit fishy that in the amended notice they highlight in bold the NO in point 10, as if it is the only change, but they don't highlight the new meeting date, so if you take a quick look you may think that the change in point 10 is the only change
One more signal that Ali ba Brasutti and his gang needs to be kicked out