Gold & Silver = SLTA Chinese and their massive gold purchases....
China imported over 200 tons of gold in the last month. At this rate China will be the largest gold holder in the world. The yuan is moving up so that is making the price of gold cheaper for the Chinese.
It’s only a matter of time before the Chinese back the yuan with gold, I'm betting the USA will follow. China gets the global message and they are doing whatever it takes to establish their dominance in the world, especially in the commodity arena. Their importing as much gold as they possibly can.
It's no secret gold sales to the public have sky rocketed in recent weeks and government's are shoring up treasuries with gold around the world, this will create incredible upside for gold & silver. As supply dwindles around the world, the only way to quench the thirst = gold &silver miners.
Jr's with major discoveries should not be ignored any longer, they will be the next investment target in the investor's plan's around the world to gain & preserve wealth.