RE: Grow Up All I see perhaps the same pattern and set of snake oil salesmen from Bay Street trying to sell this kind of nonsense to retail investors again and again. I thought that at some point it was ok to rely on the advice of "a reputable financial advisor" from a reputable firm. I no longer think so, and, I am ashamed to say that it took me a way too long to figure this out. USA was one of his many disastrous recommendations. I am going back to managing my own money and will never trust any polished financial advisor in nice suit, stoned brain and exciting story full of potential and hot air - they are a dime a dozen and some of them could make a career from being consistently wrong, serving as an indicator to the others of what not to do. Now, that could be an interesting idea for starting a business or website and provide a platform where small retail investors could go to and compare the notes. :)