OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
Post by
GoldExecuteon May 09, 2013 12:37pm
Post# 21360723
Hold up
Hold up It isn't so hard to perhaps think that the resource calc itself has passed the scrutiny of the BCSC. It may be a whole different story with regards to the Geologic Pot. number. Also, maybe at this point BGM is having to answer questions that may not be that comfortable to answer. I am referring to questions that would be along the lines of "why couldn't Snowden Audit the original report?", or "how could the numbers between the 6/28 differ so much from the filed 43-101"? or Why was the report so far from being compliant? ... the list of questions that I could come up with are huge, and honestly believe that BGM will have to address many of those questions before the CTO is lifted. It is to BGM benefit to make sure all is cleared before the actual Snowden report is released.