wnd Boys this company is going to get a market offer sooner than the agm
Here is why, suppose company c is allined with the disedents and brookfield is tied in with them
Yes it is very possible
Company a and b along with company d decide they cant guarantee a shot at the firm if the dissedents win the proxie battle
They being one or perhaps two of theuitors are going to highball an offer prior to the agm if they want the company
One dollar in tax credits is worth 30 to 33 cents a share
Agrrements on new projects are worth 40 cents a share
Some one has to make a bid at 3.25 to 3.50 because it would take years of legal costs to be granted permits to provide energy
The projects they have in California line up well with brookfield assets in the same geographical region
Any firm in California that is brookfields competitor will pay extra to stop them from gaining a larger footprint