Don't know what mokita's agenda is, but all issues are being considered and dealt with. This is not the EA panel where enviromentalists can make a difference.
Manipulating investors so they can lose money through misinformation about the responsible procedures being undertaken by CEC will not make a difference here to the EA process. It can only mislead investors.
It only takes a few minutes to find out the truth. Here's but some. atb
Many people have expressed concern with misinformation being circulated on the internet. We would like to take this opportunity to provide the public with project facts:
- Federal and provincial laws protect shellfish, salmon and other aquatic species in Baynes Sound.
- Federal and provincial laws protect drinking water.
- Detailed aquifer mapping will be completed as part of the federal and provincial environmental assessment process.
- Coal is routinely transported safely through populated areas in British Columbia. There is little potential for dust generation from this project.
See below for further corrections to recent inaccurate claims about the project:
The mine will destroy tributaries to Cowie Creek and impact salmon bearing streams.
The Raven Project will not affect salmon bearing streams. Environmental studies indicate the mine will affect a small, mainly seasonal drainage within the Cowie Creek watershed. Since the mine surface facilities are proposed to be located approximately two kilometres upstream of a natural barrier, no salmon or steelhead trout use this small seasonal drainage. A small population of stream resident cutthroat trout may use this drainage and may be affected by the project. Federal law requires the project create replacement fish habitat for habitat that is determined to be adversely affected by the mine.
Heavy metal leakage and acid rock drainage will have a negative impact on the Baynes Sound watershed as a whole, threatening aquatic life and putting the important Baynes Sound aquaculture industry at risk. This industry employs over 500 local people and their jobs could be permanently shut down by this project.
The project will not affect Baynes Sound. Provincial and federal law require the project be designed and managed to protect shellfish, salmon and other aquatic species in all waterways, including Baynes Sound.
Aquifer mapping has not been completed in the project area, and no one knows what the impact on the local water table will be.
Professional hydrogeologists will complete detailed aquifer mapping and modeling as part of the provincial and federal environmental assessment process. Almost all of the water used in the coal washing process is expected to be recycled. Any water released will meet or be better than government water quality standards.
The coal from the mine would add millions of tonnes of climate-change-causing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The Raven Project will abide by all provincial and federal laws in regard to greenhouse gas emissions.
It is critical that the environmental assessment of Compliance Coal Corporation’s proposed Raven Underground Coal Project be referred to a joint federal/provincial independent expert Review Panel for full public hearings.
The Raven Project must meet the requirements of a rigorous provincial and federal environmental assessment process. The project will be reviewed over multiple years by a technical, scientific, government and community representatives to ensure social and environmental values are protected. Opportunities for public input will be provided at every stage of the project.
Mining, storing, loading and transporting coal will cause serious issues with coal dust in the nearby communities
There is little potential for dust generation. On-site coal stockpiles will be minimized and will contain moisture that assists in eliminating dust. Transportation trucks will be covered. The coal stockpile facility at Port Alberni and the conveyor systems will be enclosed. Air quality will be monitored throughout the project, as part of the project’s ongoing environmental management plan.
Coal is routinely safely transported through populated areas in British Columbia.
The Comox Joint Venture (CJV) is also planning to develop the Bear deposit, an open-pit mine near Cumberland.
Holding mineral rights to an area does not mean there is a mineable product in the ground. The Raven Project has no plans to develop the Bear deposit at this time.
Any new large-scale mining project is subject to an environmental assessment application process.