RE: RE: easement...a different angle!!! Hey B212, Let's look at it from a different perspective...if the MNR is telling you that CLF's can't get an easement decision unless and until they produce an EA....and CLF's can't access the land in order to conduct an EA, then it sounds like the MNR just gave you the answer to the million dollar question......"Will CLF's obtain an easement decision in their favour?????".... My conclusion = How can they?? And what is the purpose for any kind of delay?? Is the delay providing some gov entities with the valuable time that they need to put in place all the pieces on the chess board?? Is this delay a convenient way of giving the commissioner the time required to develop and present the rationale for such an important, precedent-setting decision?? I don't think anyone is lying, they are just providing partial info and not adding the context for their answer to be fully understood. One final question to ask is the following:" Does CLF's lack of ability to produce an EA prevent the commissioner from dismissing the case or presenting a decision of non-validity to the easement application...the commissioner could simply produce a non judgement in the case for lack of evidenciary disclosure on the part of CLF's........if in fact an EA would be necessary to produce this kind of decision and the applicant can't produce it, then the abscence of the EA must render this case moot..... JMHO...Good luck to all KWG longs.... Pear3