Tefina Target Expanding Re the inclusion of post-menopausal women in the Tefina study, this expands the target market considerably and makes Tefina a play on demographics, as baby boomers age.
From an article in the Sunday Herald Sun (Aussie?) February 10, 2013:
"MORE than 1000 Australian women have responded to a call to test a new Viagra-style drug to beat sexual dysfunction.
As the Sunday Herald Sun reported in October, Monash University researchers are carrying out clinical trials for a revolutionary treatment to boost female sexual arousal, appetite and satisfaction.
The product, known as Tefina, contains testosterone and is sprayed in the nose in the hours before sexual activity. Experts say the treatment could help nearly one in three women around the world to achieve full satisfaction.
Researchers were expanding the clinical trials to include post-menopausal women, Monash University professor Susan Davis, director of the Women's Health Research Program, said yesterday.
Her researchers originally called only for pre-menopausal women to take part in trials in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Adelaide.
But Prof Davis said she was pleased women aged 50 to 65 could now be included. "We have had a lot of interest from older and post-menopausal women asking to be involved in the study," she said.
"There is an assumption that older women are not sexually active, but these days older women are more healthy than they used to be. "Sixty-year-olds are not the same as they were 30 or 40 years ago and, at this stage, there is nothing for them," she said. The drug is designed to be taken when the woman anticipates sexual activity and can last for up to two hours. It is expected to be on sale in three to five years and to be worth $2 billion a year in the US alone."